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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Mothers as Nurturers

     It's quite amazing how much one person can get done when they put their mind to it, they seem like a superhero and they still have time to do other things. Sound familiar? It should because this person is all the mothers around the world! Mothers are so good at what they do that if they were paid, it would be a full-time job.

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     I don't know this, but I think moms make it look easy as they provide for and take care of their families. I have watched my own mother juggle so many things at once and she still has time to make time for other things. Now that none of her kids are at home, she has time to do what she wants and she even has a full-time job now, but she still considers her role as a mother the best job she's had.

     The challenge that mothers face in our day and age is that the family is under constant attack from outside sources and they are challenging the way that children are raised and disciplined. Families are being condemned and the opportunity that children have to be raised by two parents are being taken away. Children are being raised by two mothers or fathers and some parents have had the police called on them for disciplining their children.

     With being a mother, since there are so many things that you have to be aware of and stay on top of, you need to make sure that you can take care of yourself first before anything else. If you find yourself tired and sick, everyone suffers in the long run. Make sure that you have a support group for yourself and make sure you have a relationship with God. When you have Heavenly Father in your life, you bring down the powers of heaven to bless your family. When you have a relationship with God, you have the ability for revelation for your family and can bless them with those things that they need. With God, you cannot fail.

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