This document has given us guidance for individuals and families and taught us how the Lord would have us raise the generation that comes after us. It may seem scary at first, but that is why we have prophets and apostles and revelation from the Lord to guide us through this life.
The reason this document was given to us is because the family is under attack. I don't mean that someone is targeting your family, but that the morals and foundations that our families are built upon are being attacked. So many children are growing up without both parents or infidelity has torn it apart. Many things such as permissive values, secularism, selfishness and immorality has made the responsibility to build strong families more challenging and more important.
We can make sure in our daily lives to have this document near us or framed in our home as a reminder of what it is that we want our family to follow and uphold. Make sure to include it in everyday talk about events going on around the world and teach your families what the Lord has revealed and give family members opportunities to gain a testimony of the truthfulness of the document as well.
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